AddRan alumni gathered to reconnect with colleagues and faculty during last week’s annual Back to Class event. Attendees enjoyed a reception with hors d’oeuvres and beverages followed by faculty lectures that reflect this year’s theme - 150 Years of Liberal Arts at TCU: The Past, Present & Future. The event kicked off with a welcome from AddRan Dean Sonja Watson, Ph.D.
"The purpose of Back to Class is to showcase the great faculty of our college,” said Watson. “AddRan is the heart of Texas Christian University and touches every aspect of the institution, the community and, most importantly, the students. Whether they are taking courses in AddRan for core curriculum or later choosing a major housed in the college, students will find that the liberal arts form the core experience of TCU.”
Proceeds from Back to Class directly impact people and programs in AddRan including:
- Faculty-Student Mentorship
- Study Abroad
- AddRan Ambassadors
- Faculty Conference Travel
Dean Watson welcomed alumni to Back to Class 2023.
The faculty lectures emphasized the importance of the humanities and social sciences while showcasing the expertise of AddRan faculty. Attendees chose between two of the four lectures to enjoy:
- “How Can One Re-translate the ‘Meanest’ (Most Majestic) Translation of the Bible (KJV)?” with David Moessner, Ph.D.
- “Phillis Wheatley Peters: The Power of Words and Literature’s Global Legacies for the Future” with Mona Narain, Ph.D. and Sarah Ruffing Robbins, Ph.D.
- “The Art and Science of Human Flourishing” with Mark Dennis, Ph.D. and Black Hestir, Ph.D.
- “Into the Wild Blue Yonder: The World of Policing Today” by Johnny Nhan, Ph.D.
For those looking to make a gift toward the people and programs of AddRan, visit makeagift.tcu.edu and check “AddRan College of Liberal Arts” as the designation.