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AddRan College of Liberal Arts


AddRan Ambassadors Spencer Dye (left), Lauren Wahlstrom (center) and Lily Ta (Right)

They are self-appointed LEGO masters, Breyers’ Rocky Road ice cream lovers and completed a year of education on the other side of the world. Spencer Dye (right), Lauren Wahlstrom (center) and Lily Ta (left) are just three of the more than three-dozen AddRan Ambassadors for the fall 2021 semester. 

As AddRan students, faculty, and staff return to campus, they can expect to see more of the Ambassadors in Scharbauer, Reed, Beasley, Rickel and across campus.  

Representing majors across the College, the AddRan Ambassadors are a diverse group of students who serve as the face of AddRan College of Liberal Arts.  

“Being a part of the AddRan College involves an in-depth exploration of past civilizations, present cultures, and progressive ideas that move forward our visions for the future. It provides methods to explore knowledge in a way that gives its students the tools to thrive in any career they choose to pursue.” - Lauren Wahlstrom, ‘24

Ambassadors work to foster a sense of community in the college, promote academically-oriented events and serve as student leaders to their peers.  

AddRan Ambassadors have multiple opportunities to take part in professional and leadership development opportunities. They also assist the college by assisting events that promote AddRan and its mission.  

“Economics exposes me to how the world is operating in an uncertain way. My degree in economics not only secures a high chance of employment but also guarantees all knowledge and skills that I have learned through classrooms and activities in AddRan Ambassadors.” – Lily Ta ‘23

The ideal AddRan Ambassador is passionate about the liberal arts and the mission of the college to give students the critical thinking, communication and leadership skills to succeed in any career. Ambassadors should be driven self-starters with excellent communication skills who are comfortable promoting AddRan to their peers, faculty and staff, parents and alumni.  

If you are interested in becoming an AddRan Ambassador or current Ambassador interested in becoming an Ambassador Leader, visit the AddRan Ambassadors website to learn more.  

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