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Faculty Publications

Samuel Arnold

Samuel Arnold

Associate Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Samuel Arnold and John Harris, “What is Arbitrary Power?” Journal of Political Power (2017)
  • “Social Equality and the Duty to Participate in Personal and Political Relationships,” Southwest Philosophy Review (2017)
  • “Putting Liberty in its Place: Rawlsian Liberalism Without the Liberalism,” European Journal of Philosophy (2017)
  • “Capitalism, Class Conflict, and Domination,” Socialism and Democracy (2016)
  • “Socialism,” The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy “Market Democracy: Land of Opportunity?” Critical Review vol. 26, 3-4 (2014): 239-258.
Ralph Carter

Ralph Carter

Piper Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Scott, James, Ralph Carter, and Cooper Drury (forthcoming). IR (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: CQ Press/Sage; (2nd ed., 2016). New York: Cengage Learning. (1st ed., 2014).
  • Carter, Ralph G. (2015). Essentials of U.S. Foreign Policy Making. New York: Pearson Education.
  • Carter, Ralph G. (Ed.) (2014). Contemporary Cases in U.S. Foreign Policy: From Terrorism to Trade (5thed.). Washington, DC: CQ Press. (4th ed., 2011; 3rd ed., 2008; 2nd ed., 2005; 1st ed., 2002).
  • Redd, Steven B., Ralph G. Carter, Valerie M. Hudson, Patrick James, and Jeffrey Pickering (Eds.)(2010). Foreign Policy Analysis. Forty-four essay component of the International Studies Association’s International Studies Compendium Project the print version of which is Robert A. Denemark (ed.), The International Studies Encyclopedia. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Carter, Ralph G. and James M. Scott. (2009). Choosing to Lead: Understanding Congressional Foreign Policy Entrepreneurs. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Eric Cox

Eric Cox

Associate Professor

View Recent Publications
  • “Rivalry, Conflict and Interstate War,” in John Ishiyama and Marijke Breuning, eds., 21st Century Political Science: A Reference Handbook (Sage 2011)376-383.
  • “Group Projects,” in Daniel M. Shea, ed., Teaching Matters: Strategy and Tactics to Engaged Students in the Study of American Politics (New York: Longman 2011): 97-113.
  • “State Interest and the Creation and Functioning of the United Nations Human Rights Council,” Journal of International Law and International Relations 6(1) (2010): 87-120.
  • “Experiential Learning and Learning Styles,” Robert A. Denemark, ed., The International Studies Encyclopedia (Oxford: Blackwell 2010): 1983-98.
  • Why Enduring Rivalries Do—or Don’t—End (Boulder: First Forum Press 2010).
Carrie Liu Currier, Ph.D.

Carrie Liu Currier

Associate Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Currier, Carrie Liu. 2022 “Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling: challenges for APA women in and outside of the classroom,” Journal of Political Science Education 18(2): 203-19.
  • Currier, Carrie Liu. 2016. “Entrepreneurship with Chinese Characteristics: China, Taiwan and the Tech Industry,” Wealth and Well-Being of Nations, pp. 63-81.
  • Currier, Carrie Liu. 2012. “China and the Global Surge for Resources,” Chapter 13 in Emilian Kavalski’s The Ashgate Research Companion to Chinese Foreign Policy. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 163-175.
  • Currier, Carrie Liu and Manochehr Dorraj, editors. 2011. China’s Energy Relations with the Developing World.  NY: Continuum Books.
  • Currier, Carrie Liu and Manochehr Dorraj. 2010. “In Arms We Trust: the Economic and Strategic Factors Motivating China-Iran Relations,” Journal of Chinese Political Science 15(1): 49-69.
Manochehr Dorraj

Manochehr Dorraj


View Recent Publications
  • Dorraj, M. & K. Morgan, Editors, Global Impact of Unconventional Energy Resources (Lanham and New York: Lexington Books, 2019).
  • Dorraj, M. and C. Currier, editors. China’s Energy Relations with the Developing World. Continuum Publishers, 2011, London and New York.
  • Dorraj, M. & V. Martinez –Ebers, editors. Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity and Religion: Identity politics in America. Oxford University Press, 2010, New York and London.
  • Dorraj, M. & M. Kamrava, Editors, Iran Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the Islamic Republic. Greenwood Press, 2008, New Port, Connecticut. 2 vols.
  • Dorraj, M., editor. Middle East at the Crossroads: The Changing Political Dynamics and the Foreign Policy Challenges. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999.
Grant Ferguson

Grant Ferguson

Instructor II and Director of Public Outreach

View Recent Publications
  • Ferguson, Grant, Kathryn Haglin, and Soren Jordan. Forthcoming. "The Personality and Politics of Cryptocurrency Investors." American Politics Research. DOI: 10.1177/1532673X231220653
  • Ferguson, Grant. Forthcoming. "Representation and Legislative Roles in Congress: Evidence From the 1950s." Congress and the Presidency. DOI: 10.1080/07343469.2023.2274632
  • Haglin, Kathryn, Soren Jordan, and Grant Ferguson. Forthcoming. "They're Coming for You!  How Perceptions of Automation Affect Public Support for Universal Basic Income." Social Science Computer Review. Partially funded by a Hayek Fund award for $3,000. DOI: 10.1177/08944393231212252
  • Jordan, Soren, Grant Ferguson, and Kathryn Haglin. 2022. "Measuring and Framing Support for Universal Basic Income." Social Policy & Administration 56(1):138-147. Partially funded by a Hayek Fund award for $3,000. DOI: 10.1111/SPOL.12760
Keith Gaddie

Keith Gaddie

Hoffman Chair of the American Ideal and Professor

View Recent Publications
  • The Philadelphia House: Organic Architecture and Placemaking in Chestnut Hill. Lanham, Md. & Boulder, Colo.: Rowman and Littlefield Press (2023) — with Khosrow Bozorgi.
  • Democracy’s Meanings: How the Public Understands Democracy and Why It Matters. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press (2022) — with Nicholas T. Davis, Keith Gåddie, & Kirby Goidel.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court’s Democratic Spaces. Norman, OK: The University of Oklahoma Press (2021) — with Jocelyn J. Evans.
  • The Rise and Fall of the Voting Rights Act. Norman, OK: The University of Oklahoma Press (2016) — with Charles S. Bullock III and Justin J. Wert.
  • Slingshot: The Defeat Of Eric Cantor. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press (2015) — with Lauren Cohen Bell and David E. Meyer.
Joanne Connor Green

Joanne Connor Green


View Recent Publications
  • Government and Politics in the Lone Star State. 2016. 9th edition (co-authors Tucker Gibson and Clay Robison). New York, NY: Pearson.
  • Living Democracy. 2016. 5th edition (National, Texas, Texas Brief, California and California Brief editions – co-authors Daniel Shea and Christopher Smith). New York, NY: Pearson.
  • Living Democracy. 2014. 4th edition (National, Texas, Texas Brief, California and California Brief editions – co-authors Daniel Shea and Christopher Smith). New York, NY: Pearson.
  • “Countervailing Influences of Black and Women Legislators on State Age Friendliness.” 2012. (Co-authors Jean Giles-Sims and Charles Lockhart). Research in the Sociology of Health Care 30: 235-259.
  • “Do Women Legislators Have a Positive Effect on the Supportiveness of States Toward Older Citizens?” 2012. (Co-authors Jean Giles-Sims and Charles Lockhart). Journal of Women, Politics and Policy 33: 38-64.
Rachael Houston, Ph.D.

Rachael Houston

Assistant Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Houston, R. (2024). A World Outside the Classroom: Understanding Faculty Perspectives on Electoral Engagement in the Classroom. Journal of Political Science Education, 1-21.
  • Houston, R., Johnson, T. R., & Ringsmuth, E. M. (2023). Scotus and Covid: How the Media Reacted to the Livestreaming of Supreme Court Oral Arguments. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Houston, R. (2023). Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?: How the US Supreme Court Defines “Time” Using the Purcell Principle. Nevada Law Journal, 23(3), 5.
  • Houston, Rachael, Siyu Li, and Timothy R. Johnson. 2021. “Learning to Speak Up: Acclimation Effects and Supreme Court Oral Argument.” Justice System Journal. Vol. 42. #1 (February): 1-19.
Jasmine Jackson, Ph.D.

Jasmine Jackson

Assistant Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Brown, N.E., Jackson J.C., & Strawbridge, M.G. (2021) “Talking and Testifying: Black Congresswomen’s Response to Covid-19” in The Evolution of Political Rhetoric: The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, Volume 6, eds. Robert Browning. Purdue University Press.
  • Brown, N.E., Ingram, A.J., Jackson, J.C., Lenear, I.S., Smith, A.D. (2021) “Black Lady Classroom.” In Handbook of Political Research Pedagogy, eds. Eric D. Loepp, Daniel Mallinson, and Julia Marin Hellwege. Palgrave McMillan.
  • Caballero, G., Jackson, J. C., & Brown, N. E. (2020). Community as Self: An Interview with Nadia E. Brown. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(2), 312-313. (Reprint)
  • Dickinson, K. A., Jackson, J. C., & Williams, P. H. (2020). Jackson State University: Challenging Minds and Cultivating the Political Science Pipeline. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(1), 148-150.
  • Caballero, G., Jackson, J., and Brown, N. (2018). “Community as Self: An Interview with Nadia Brown.” The Legislative Scholar, 3(2), pp. 17-19.
Matthew Montgomery

Matthew Montgomery

Assistant Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Rogol, Natalie C. and Matthew D. Montgomery. 2021. “Seeking Information: When the Court Wants More”. Journal of Law and Courts 9(1): 51-68.
  • Rogol, Natalie, and Matthew Montgomery. 2021. "When the potted plants are missing: how justice attendance at the State of the Union influences the solicitor general." The Social Science Journal 1-19.
  • Montgomery, Matthew D., Natalie C. Rogol, and Justin T. Kingsland. 2019. “Presidential Rhetoric and U.S. Supreme Court Rulings: The Effect of Going Public on Citizen Evaluations of Institutions and Policy.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 49(4): 870-897.
  • Rogol, Natalie C., Matthew D. Montgomery, and Justin T. Kingsland. 2018. “Going Public: Presidential Impact on Supreme Court Decision-making.” Justice System Journal 39(3): 210-227.
  • Bolsen, Toby W., Bailey R. Fairbanks, Eduardo E. Aviles, Reagan G. Pritchett, Justin T. Kingsland, Kristina M. LaPlant, Matthew D. Montgomery, and Natalie C. Rogol. 2018 "Merging Undergraduate Teaching, Graduate Training, and Producing Research: Lessons from Three Collaborative Experiments." PS: Political Science & Politics 52(1): 117-122.
James Riddlesperger

James Riddlesperger


View Recent Publications
  • Newell, Charldean, Prindle, David, and Riddlesperger, James W., Jr. Texas Politics: Ideal and Reality, (Cengage, 11th edition, 2011; 12th edition, 2013; 13th edition, 2016; enhanced 13th edition, 2020; 14th edition, 2022).
  • Andrade, Lydia and Riddlesperger, James W., Jr. Considering American Government: A Reader, (Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 1st edition 2017; 2nd edition 2020).
  • Riddlesperger, James W., Jr. “Caleb Perry Patterson: Political Scientist and Civic Educator,” Social Science Quarterly 101 (#4, July 2020), pp. 1207-1221.
  • Riddlesperger, James W., Jr. and Champagne, Anthony, eds., Reflections on Rayburn, (Fort Worth: TCU Press, 2018).
  • Riddlesperger, James W., Jr and King, James D. “The Trump Transition: Beginning a Distinctive Presidency,” Social Science Quarterly, 99 (#5, November 2018), pp 1821-1836.
Adam Schiffer, Ph.D.

Adam Schiffer


View Recent Publications
  • Schiffer, Adam J., and Rebecca Fitzmaurice. (2021) “News Judgment and the Supreme Court.” Journal of Political Science, 49: 57-78.
  • Schiffer, Adam J. (2021) “Teaching Media Bias: The Case of the Trump Presidency.” Journal of Political Science Education 17: 955-972.
  • Schiffer, Adam J. (2018) Evaluating Media Bias. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Schiffer, Adam J. (2017) “Debates and Partisan Enthusiasm Before the 2012 Republican Primaries.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 47: 293–310.
  • Schiffer, Adam J. (2015) “Information Flow, Grassroots Enthusiasm, and Candidate Standing in the 2012 Republican Nomination Contest.” Journal of Political Science 43: 97-118.
Michael  Strausz

Michael Strausz

Professor and Department Chair

View Recent Publications
  • Strausz, Michael. 2016. “Immigration and the Upcoming Upper House Election.” In New Perspectives on Japan from the U.S.-Japan Network for the Future, edited by Arthur Alexander. Washington, D.C.: The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation.
  • Strausz, Michael. 2014. “Forced Migration in Contemporary Asia.” In Oxford Handbook of the International Relations of Asia, edited by Saadia M. Pekkanen, John Ravenhill and Rosemary Foot. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Strausz, Michael. 2014. “Executives, Legislatures, and Whales: The Birth of Japan’s Scientific Whaling Regime.” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 14:455-478.
  • Greenhill, Brian and Michael Strausz. 2014. “Explaining Nonratification of the Genocide Convention: A Nested Analysis.” Foreign Policy Analysis 10:371-391.
  • Strausz, Michael. 2012. “International Pressure and Domestic Precedent: Japan’s Resettlement of Indochinese Refugees.” Asian Journal of Political Science 20:244-266.