As an undergraduate, you can apply for two scholarships specific to history students:
- Research travel scholarship
- Texas or Southwestern history scholarship
Research Travel Scholarship
The Regina Memorial Endowment supports research travel for history majors, with preference to those enrolled in the History Major Seminar, to visit archives, museums, university libraries or other places to consult historical materials relevant to their research project. Recipients also may use the funds to support travel to present a paper at an appropriate academic conference.
Texas or Southwestern History Scholarship
Each fall, the department awards the Ben H. Procter Scholarship to an undergraduate history major whose area of interest is Texas or Southwestern history. This award honors Dr. Procter, a professor of history at TCU for more than 40 years.
Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. To apply, please submit a one-page cover letter describing your interest in Texas or Southwestern history and a copy of your TCU transcript (unofficial transcripts are acceptable).
How to Apply
Contact history undergraduate adviser Dr. Hadi Hosainy for application forms and more information.
Department Awards
Hammond Memorial Scholarship
The Hammond Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding junior or senior history major who is in receipt of financial aid and whose GPA exceeds 3.5 in honor of William J. Hammond's long history of service to the department.
Recent Recipients:
- Railey Tassin, 2020
- Nicholas Rinehart, 2019
- Amelia Tighe, 2018
Texas Sons of the American Revolution, Van Zandt Chapter
The Texas Sons of the American Revolution award is given to a student who embodies ideals of public service with a record of community engagement, especially for those with veteran status.
Recent Recipients:
- Nicholas Rinehart, 2020
- Pamela Ahern, 2019
- Meraleigh Randle, 2018
Department Senior Scholar
Our highest award that is given to a senior history major who's GPA exceeds 3.5.
Recent Recipients:
- Laska Anderson, 2020
- Reilly Faith, 2019
- Kendra Larach, 2018