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Ph.D. Program

The Ph.D. program requires mastery of history in certain fields demonstrated by completing at least 30 credit hours of coursework beyond the MA (not including thesis or dissertation hours), satisfying a language requirement, passing testable and non-testable minor fields, presenting a portfolio, as well as writing and defending orally a dissertation that represents an original contribution to historical knowledge. 

Graduate Guide


The requirements for the Ph.D. include:

  •  30 hours of coursework beyond the MA
  • Courses include HIST 50963 (Historiography), if not previously taken, and HIST 80083 (History as a Profession). Students who have taken similar courses at other institutions may petition the graduate committee for a waiver and will need to take other courses in lieu of these hours.
  • At least two courses must be research seminars, one of which must be completed in the first year of the Ph.D. study
  • Demonstrated competence in a language other than English
  • A completed portfolio
  • The dissertation

Admission Requirements

Graduate Areas of Study

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