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Minor in Military, War, and Conflict Studies


Conflict is inevitable.

Knowledge is powerful.

helmet and frog

A minor or concentration in Military, War, and Conflict Studies provides an opportunity to examine:

  • the historical and contemporary experiences of organized state violence,

  • the national and international structures that wage war and attempt to maintain peace,

  • and the social and cultural legacies for all affected by war and conflict.

Minor Course Requirements

The Military, War, and Conflict Studies Minor requires:

  • 15 credit hours, 6 of which must be taken at the upper level (30000 or above). 
  • HIST 60663 - War and Society
  • Courses from at least two discplines


Concentration Course Requirements

The Military, War, and Conflict Studies Concentration requires:

  • 9 credit hours
  • Courses from at least two discplines


Courses & Discplines

The Military, War, and Conflict Studies Minor allows you to combine core curriculum courses in the disciplines of History, Chemistry, English, German, Military Science, Political Science, and Religion. Independent studies, study abroad courses, and internships can count as well.

  • 50230 How Chemists Win Wars
  • 20423 Introduction to Medieval Literature: Game of Thrones


  • 20913 Honors Literature and Civilizations I: Story of Troy


  • 30673 King Arthur in Literature and Legend

  • 20973 Afterlife of the Classical Greek Tradition
  • 10223 Europe 1789 to Present


  • 20763 US Military History


  • 30013 Roman Republic and Empire


  • 30393 Totalitarianism in Europe


  • 30563 British Empire


  • 30663 War and Society


  • 30733 Syria and Iraq


  • 30743 Muslim Gunpowder Empires


  • 30933 Revolution in Latin America


  • 40603 Colonial America: Age of Discovery-1763


  • 40613 Revolutionary America


  • 40623 Age of Jefferson, 1789-1828


  • 40643 Civil War and Reconstruction


  • 40673 The US from 1941 to 1975


  • 40693 American Empire


  • 40703 Indians of the United States


  • 40733 The American West to 1900


  • 40843 The Vietnam War


  • 40883 War and Memory in American Culture


  • 40893 War and Gender in American History

  • 40063 Advanced Leadership II
  • 33033 Conflict and Negotiation


  • 33503 Contemporary US Foreign Policy


  • 33513 US Foreign Policy Making


  • 33523 US Foreign Policy in Film


  • 33703 Mideast Conflicts

  • 30863 Religion and Violence
minor in mwc studies logo

For more information, contact Dr. Kara Dixon Vuic.