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Faculty Publications

Antoinette DeNapoli

Antoinette DeNapoli

John F. Weatherly Professor of Religion (Professor of South Asian Religions)

View Recent Publications
  • Women and Representation in Buddhist Asia: Innovative Pedagogies, Alternative Narratives, and Reimagined Philosophies. Co-edited with Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox and Kevin Curtis Taylor. SUNY Press, Asian Studies Development Series, Forthcoming.
  • Gurus, Priestesses, Saints, Mediums and Yoginis: Holy Women as 'Influencers' in Hindu Culture.  Co-edited with June McDaniel. Religions: MDPI, ISSN 2077-1444, Forthcoming.
  • “Everyone drinks from the same well”: Charismatic Female Gurus as “Religious Feminist Influencers” in South Asian Hinduism,” Special Issue Gurus, Priestesses, Saints, Mediums and Yoginis: Holy Women as Influencers in Hindu CultureReligions 2023, 14(6), 785;
  • “Can a Woman be a True Guru?: Female Gurus’ Grassroots Religious Gender Activism, and the Performativity of Saintliness at the Kumbh Mela,” in Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, Special Issue on Gender Activism in South Asia, edited by Munira Cheema,Volume 7, no. 1 (Spring 2023):
  • “‘I will be the Shankaracharya for women’: Gender, Agency, and a Guru’s Quest for Equality in Hinduism,” in Laughter, Creativity, and Perseverance: Female Agency in Hinduism and Buddhism, 75-102, edited by Ute Hüsken. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2022).
Patricia Duncan

Patricia Duncan

Associate Professor

View Recent Publications
  • “Eve, Mattidia, and the Gender Discourse of the Greek Pseudo-Clementine Novel,” Early Christianity 11 (2020): 171-190.
J. Sage Elwell

J. Sage Elwell


View Recent Publications
  • Religion and the Digital Arts. Leiden: Brill, 2020
  • Inspired by the Word: The Bible Through the Eyes of the Great Masters. Nashville, TN: Worthy Publishing, 2017.
  • “Where Embodiment Meets Environment: A Meditation on the Work of Hans Breder and Ana Mendieta with Accompanying Interview with Hans Breder.” In Art, Religion, and the Environment, edited by Forrest Clingerman. Boston: Brill Publishers, 2016.
  • “TechnoTopia: The Convergence of Art and Technology in the Twentieth Century and Beyond.” In Hope and the Longing For Utopia. Edited by Daniel Boscaljon. Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2014, 180-193.
  • “Atheism and the Visual Arts.” Oxford Handbook of Atheism. Edited by Stephen Bullivant and Hichael Ruse. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 698-709.
Abel R. Gomez, Ph.D.

Abel R. Gomez

Assistant Professor

View Recent Publications
  • In Review, “‘We Survived This’: California Missions, Colonialism, and Indigenous Survival,” Political Theology
  • 2022  “What does it mean for Indigenous religions to be ‘place based’?” Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes, ed. Molly Bassett and Natalie Avalos, Equinox Publishing Ltd.
  • 2018 “(Re)writing, (Re)righting, (Re)riteing Hupa Womanhood: Cutcha Risling Baldy and The Flower Dance Revitalization." Review of We are Dancing for You: Native Feminisms and the Revitalization of Women’s Coming-of-Age Ceremonies by Cutcha Risling Baldy. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2018. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, Equinox Publishing Ltd. VOL 47, NO 3–4.
David Moessner, Ph.D.

David Moessner

A. A. Bradford Chair and Professor of Religion

View Recent Publications
  • “Luke as Tradent and Hermeneut: ‘As one who has a thoroughly informed familiarity with all the events from the top’ (Luke 1:3),” Novum Testamentum 58 (2016): 259–300
  • “Das Doppelwerk des Lukas und Heil als Geschichte: Oscar Cullmans auffälliges Schweigen bezüglich des stärksten Beführworter seiner Konzeption der Heilsgeschichte im Neuen Testament,” in Moessner, Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy (2016), 302–14
  • Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy, Theologian of Israel’s ‘Christ’: A New Reading of the ‘Gospel Acts’ of Luke, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 182 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016)
  • “Redemption,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology, eds. S. E. Ballentine, et al. (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2015): 2:222–27
  • Edited with D. Marguerat, M. Parsons and M. Wolter, Luke the Interpreter of Israel, vol. 2, Paul and the Heritage of Israel: Paul’s Claim upon Israel’s Legacy in Luke and Acts in the Light of the Pauline Letters, Library of New Testament Studies 452 (London: T&T Clark, 2012)
Santiago Piñón

Santiago Piñón

Associate Professor, Chair

View Recent Publications
  • (2016). “The Box” and the Dark Night of the Soul: An Autoethnography from the Force of Losing a Child in the Delivery Room. Online Journal of Health Ethics. 12(1).
  • The Ivory Tower and the Sword: Francisco Vitoria Confronts the Emperor. Pickwick Publications, 2016.
Samuel J. Ross

Samuel J. Ross

Associate Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Qur’an Commentary and the Biblical Turn: A History of Muslim Exegetical Engagement with the Biblical Text. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. For more, please see the publisher's description and the first half of this article.
  • “What Were the Most Popular Tafsīrs in Islamic History? Part 1: An Assessment of the Manuscript Record and the State of European-Language Tafsīr Studies.” Journal of Qur'anic Studies 25, no. 3 (2023) (open-access link).
  • "Modern Epoch: Islam," in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Berlin: De Gruyter (2021), 19:594–598.
  • "The Importance of Ottoman Tafsir: A Codicological Perspective," in Osmanlı’da İlm-i Tefsir, ed. M. Taha Boyalık and Harun Abacı (Istanbul: İSAR Yayınları, 2019), 521-537.
  • Kitāb al-naḥw wa-l-ṣarf: al-mustawā al-rābiʿ (Advanced Classical Arabic Grammar and Workbook). Samuel Ross, et al. Qasid Arabic Institute. Amman: 2009. 189 pp.
Yushau Sodiq

Yushau Sodiq

Emeritus Professor

View Recent Publications
  • A History of the Application of Islamic Law in Nigeria. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
  • “Islamic Communities in the United States: Issues of Religion and Political Identity” in Contemporary Perspectives on Religions in Africa and the African Diaspora, edited by Ibigbolade S. Aderibigbe and Carolyn M. Jones Medine. (England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015): 259-274.
  • “Isma`il al-Faruqi and Ijtihad” in Islam and Knowledge: Al-Faruqi’s Concept of Religion in Islamic Thought. Edited by Imtiyaz Yusuf. New York: I. B. Tauris, 2012, pp. 127- 137.
  • “Muslims and Christians in Yorubaland: Unavoidable Neighbors” in A New Day: Essays on World Christianity in Honor of Lamin Sanneh, edited by Akintunde E. Akinade. (New York: Peter Lang, 2012)
  • “Islam in Africa” in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to African Religions, edited by Elias Kifon Bongmba. (UK: West Sussex, A John Wiley and Sons Inc., Publications, 2012); 323-337.
Grace Vargas

Grace Vargas

Assistant Professor

View Recent Publications
  • “Baptists in the Caribbean,” The Oxford Handbook of Baptist Studies, edited by Paul Fiddes, Betsy Flowers, Steve Harmon, and David Bebbington. (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press), forthcoming.
  • “Foreign Standards for a ‘Home’ Mission: American Baptist Home Mission Society’s Ministerial Education Program in Early Twentieth-Century Cuba,” in Perspectives in Religious Studies, vol. 50, num 1, Spring 2023.
  • “Christianity in Cuba,” in The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 4th edition, edited by Andrew Louth. (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press), 2022.
  • “Venezuela: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives,” in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global  South, edited by Mark A. Lamport and George Thomas Kurian. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield),  2018.