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Student Funding & Benefits

There are major benefits to majoring in religion.

Students walk out of a building

Religious Leadership Grant

If you are interested in vocational religious leadership, you can receive half off tuition by majoring in Religion. Through the cooperation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), TCU is able to award financial assistance, regardless of denomination, to students preparing to enter into a vocation in full-time religious leadership. The recognized leader and the board (or governing body) of the applicant’s home religious organization must certify the applicant as a member in good standing and as a candidate for full-time religious leadership. They are required to major in religion or church music.

Awards will be in an amount not to exceed one-half tuition for up to 18 hours per semester and is renewable for up to eight semesters. Minimum renewal requirements are a 2.5 TCU cumulative GPA and successful completion of at least 24 hours during the academic year. Applications must be received by May 1 each year.

Apply for Religious Leadership Grant


Benefits & Rewards

The following benefits and rewards are available to our students because of the generosity and support of Jane Armstrong-Furche.



Interested in studying abroad? We'll help you get there. Each year our department provides some funding for our students to travel and learn abroad.

Study Abroad



Every week, lunch is on us. Join Chi Delta Mu for a weekly lunch full of community building and networking with local leaders, alumni and faculty.

Student Organizations



We want you to explore your passions, which is why we provide each religion major with $150 to spend at the University Store for books. An added bonus? We'll also fund academic conference travel.



You deserve to be recognized for your achievements. We offer rewards and monetary prizes for senior religion majors who have grown, achieved and led during their time in our department.

Award Ceremonies