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The Daryl D. Schmidt Lectureship on Religion in Public Life
The Daryl D. Schmidt Lectureship on Religion in Public Life commemorates the life and work of a longtime TCU religion professor and New Testament scholar who believed that scholars should and can make a difference in society.
Feb 16th, 2023 at 7pm in the BLUU: Dr. Cornel West and Dr. Robert George on "The Truth-Seeking Mission of the Univeristy"
"Religion in an Age Of Terror: Perils And Possibilities"
Karen Armstrong
A lecture by Karen Armstrong, best-selling author, broadcaster, and provocative thinker
on the role of spirituality.
"Sex and American Christianity: The Religious Divide that Fractured a Nation"
R. Marie Griffith
A lecture by R. Marie Griffith, The John C. Danforth Distinguished Professor in the
Humanities at Washington University in St. Louis.
"Religion and the Popular Press: Does The Story Always Have To Be Bad?"
Lisa Miller
A lecture by Lisa Miller, best -selling author, magazine contributor and radio/tv
commentator on the role of religion in society.
"Many Roads Up the Same Mountain? Surveying Religion Today"
Stephen Prothero
A lecture by Stephen Prothero, best -selling author, magazine contributor and radio/tv
commentator on the role of religion in society.
"Interfaith Leadership Today: Building a Healthy Religiously Diverse Democracy"
Eboo Patel
Eboo Patel is the son of immigrant Ismaili Muslim parents, a Rhodes Scholar, and the
founder of the Interfaith Youth Core. An eloquent advocate for religious pluralism
and dialogue, he is the author of two books. His memoir, Acts of Faith, narrates his struggle to embrace his religious identity. September 11th and the religious justification for violence dismayed him and led him to found the
Interfaith Youth Core, a nonprofit that promotes mutual understanding in the context
of shared service. Patel’s second book, Sacred Ground is nothing short of a love song to the importance of religion and democratic ideals.
In addressing these topics at TCU, Dr. Patel will engage concerns of urgent relevance
in today’s cultural conversation.
"The Sun Do Move: Ethical Biblical Interpretations in Competing Culture Contexts"
Jonathan Walton
Professor Walton’s research addresses the intersections of religion, politics, and
media culture.
He is the author of Watch This! The Ethics and Aesthetics of Black Televangelism.
About Daryl D. Schmidt
During his 28-year career at TCU, Dr. Schmidt often quoted the words of a Texas minister, who said to him when he first arrived: “You can take the Bible literally or you can take it seriously.” Daryl took the Bible seriously, believed that his work as a scholar deepened his own faith and shared his vision of scripture willingly and tirelessly with countless Sunday school classes, weekend workshops, seminars and monthly study groups.
His German Mennonite roots, where faith is inseparable from community, and his egalitarian spirit stayed with him throughout his life. The establishment of this lecture series continues his legacy by deeply engaging the questions of faith and reaching out into the public places where Daryl Schmidt lived his life and shared his passion for taking the Bible seriously.
The content of Jesus’ ethical teachings is noticeably absent from most descriptions of what Christians say they believe about Jesus. For example, “turn the other cheek” and “give the shirt off your back to anyone who asks for it” are seldom on anyone’s top ten list of most important things to believe about Jesus.