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Faculty Publications

Ariane Balizet, Ph.D.

Ariane Balizet

Associate Dean of Faculty & Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Professor of English

View Recent Publications
  • "Fair Women, Red Hands, Black Will(s): Domestic Tragedy’s Racial Logic." Studies in the Literary Imagination 54.1 & 2 (2021 [published December 2023]): 41-56.
  • “Teaching Romeo and Juliet in Plague-Time: A Trauma-Informed Approach.” Liberating Shakespeare: Adaptation, Trauma and Empowerment for Young Adult Audiences. Ed. Deborah Uman and Jennifer Flaherty. Arden Shakespeare, 2023 (17-33).
  • “The Humorality of Toys and Games in Early Modern Domestic Drama.”Humorality in Early Modern Art, Material Culture, and Performance. Ed. Amy Kenny and Kaara Peterson. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, Palgrave Macmillan (2021): 167-187.
  • Shakespeare and Girls' Studies. New York and Oxford: Routledge, 2020.
  • “‘Amend thy Face’: Contagion and Disgust in the Henriad.” Contagion and the Shakespearean Stage. Ed. Mary Floyd-Wilson and Darryl Chalk. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, Palgrave Macmillan (2019): 127-45.
Ashok Bhusal

Ashok Bhusal

Instructor I

View Recent Publications
  • Bhusal, A. (2019). Addressing FYC Instructors’ Lack of Technological Expertise in Implementing Multimodal Assignments. Marginalia in Modern Learning Contexts Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Bhusal, A. (2019). The Power of Visual Rhetoric for Social Change. The International Journal of Rhetoric and Social Sciences. 1(1).
  • Bhusal, A. (2019). The Rhetoric of Racism in Society. Journal of Research Innovation. 9 (1).
Chantel L. Carlson

Chantel L. Carlson

Senior Instructor

View Recent Publications
  • Oak Cradle.  Shanti Arts, 2024.  Link to Book
  • "Six Feet Apart."  Next Stage Press, 2022.  Link to Play
  • "Ode to the Backyard Dove."  Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing, March 2022.  Web.
  • “Fixing What’s Broken on Monday Afternoon.” Anti-Heroin Chic, December 2021, Web.
  • “Pandemic Vibrations.”  TEJASCOVIDO, edited by Laurence Musgrove, Spring 2020, Web.
David Colón

David Colón

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

View Recent Publications
  • 2022, Primary Author, with Max Krochmal et al. Latinx Studies Curriculum in K-12 Schools: A Practical Guide. Forward by Jacinto Ramos, Jr. TCU Press. 198 pp.
  • 2021, with Daniel Luis Archer. Introduction. "Latinidad, Memory, and Literature." 'Memory Studies and Latinidad,' Eds. David Colon and Daniel Luis Archer, Special Issue of JOLLAS: Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies 11.1 (Spring). University of Nebraska-Omaha. 1-12.
  • 2021. "Locations of Contemporary Latina/o Poetry." The Cambridge Companion to Twenty-First Century American Poetry. Ed. Timothy P. Yu. Cambridge UP. 48-60.
  • 2018. “Making It Nuevo: Latina/o Modernist Poetics Remake High Euro-American Modernism.” The Cambridge History of Latina/o American Literature. Eds. John Morán González and Laura Lomas. Cambridge UP. 353-370.
  • 2018. "Marginal Erotics: Roberto Tejada’s Sexiness.” American Poets in the 21st Century: Poetics of Social Engagement. Eds. Claudia Rankine and Michael Dowdy. Wesleyan University Press. 380-397.
Bridgettte Copeland

Bridgette Copeland


View Recent Publications
  • Reviewed Elizabeth Stoddard's Two Men, edited by Jennifer Putzi. Book review in Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers (Fall 2010)
  • Editor. Bridges, ULM's Freshman Composition Handbook (Feb. 2003)
A. Layne Craig

A. Layne Craig

Instructor II

View Recent Publications
  • Lysistrata on the Home Front: Locating Women's Reproductive Bodies in the WWI-Era Birth Strike. In Edinburgh Companion to Modernist Women's Print Media in Britain (1890s - 1920s). Edinburgh University Press, 2019.
  • “Perverting the Postwar: Sexuality and State Violence in Women’s Literature.” Futility and Anarchy? British Literature in Transition, 1920-1940. Eds. Dougal McNeill and Charles Ferrall. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
  • “The Other Female Complaint: Online Narratives of Assisted Reproductive Therapy as Sentimental Literature.” Teacher, Scholar, Mother: (Re)Envisioning Motherhood in the Academy. Ed. Amy Young. Lexington Press, 2015 (251-66).
  • When Sex Changed: Birth Control and Literature between the World Wars (Rutgers UP, 2013).
  • “‘That Means Children to Me’: The Birth Control Movement in Nella Larsen’s ‘Quicksand.’” Gender Scripts in Medicine and Narrative. Eds. Angela Laflen and Marcelline Block. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. (156-77).
Alexandra Edwards, Ph.D.

Alexandra Edwards


View Recent Publications
  • “Orlando: A Fanfiction; Or, Virginia Woolf in the Archive of One’s Own.” Journal of Modern Literature (Forthcoming, July).
  • “Hollywood Regionalism: What the Studio System Did with Gene Stratton-Porter’s Nature Novels.” Feminist Media Histories 6.2, Special Issue on Media and the Environment (April 2020): 16-42.
  • “‘Entre Nous’: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’s Pre-World War II Fan Mail.” The Journal of Florida Literature 25 (2017).
Anne Frey

Anne Frey

Associate Professor

View Recent Publications
  • “Shelley’s Pauses: Systemic Change in Laon and Cythna,” Romantic Circles Praxis March 2016.
  • “The National Tale and the Pseudonymous Author: Rosalia St. Clair’s Mobile Identity,” European Romantic Review 25:2 (2014) 181-199.
  • “Romantic Nationalism and the British State” European Romantic Review 22:3 (2012) 271-6.
  • British State Romanticism: Authorship, Agency, and Bureaucratic Nationalism, Stanford University Press, 2010.
  • “A Nation Without Nationalism: The Reorganization of Feeling in Austen’s Persuasion,” Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 38:2 (Spring/Summer 2005), 214-234. [Published Fall 2006].
Theresa Gaul, Ph.D.

Theresa Gaul

Professor and Director of TCU Core Curriculum

View Recent Publications
  • “Epistolary Estrangement: Mission, Marriage, and Missives in the Cherokee Nation,” J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, 10.2 (2022): 205-327.
  • “Sexual Violence and Indigenous Women: Rereading the Archive of Catharine Brown (Cherokee).” Gender in American Literature and Culture. Cambridge UP, 2021. 127-41.
  • “Misattribution, Collaborative Authorship, and Recovery: The Legacies of Sarah Rogers (Mohegan), Phoebe Hinsdale Brown, and Elias Boudinot (Cherokee).” Women’s Studies 50.5 (2021): 552-571.
  • Blackwell Companion to American Literature, Vol. I, Beginnings to 1820. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2020.
  • “Female Relationships in Susannah Rowson’s Sincerity: The Bechdel Test and American Literature Syllabi.” Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 34.1 (2017): 141-50
Ann George

Ann George


View Recent Publications
  • Kenneth Burke’s Permanence and Change: A Critical Companion. Columbia: U of South Carolina P. 2018.
  • “Critical Pedagogy: Dreaming of Democracy.” A Guide to Composition Pedagogies, 2nd ed. Ed. Gary Tate, Amy Rupiper Taggart, Kurt Schick, Brooke Hessler. New York: Oxford UP, 2013. 77-93.
  • Invited chapter: “Finding the Time for Burke.” Burke in the Archives: Using the Past to Transform the Future of Burkean Studies. Ed. Dana Anderson and Jessica Enoch. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 2013. 48-84.
  • “Reading Helen Keller.” Women and Rhetoric between the Wars. Ed. Ann George, M. Elizabeth Weiser, and Janet Zepernick. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2013. 97-113.
  • Women and Rhetoric between the Wars (co-edited with Elizabeth Weiser and Janet Zepernick). Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP (Studies in Rhetorics and Feminisms series), 2013.
Daniel  Juan Gil

Daniel Juan Gil


View Recent Publications
  • Fate of the Flesh: Secularization and Resurrection in the Seventeenth Century, Fordham UP, 2021
  • Shakespeare’s Anti-Politics: Sovereign Power and the Life of the Flesh, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
  • Before Intimacy: Asocial Sexuality in Early Modern England, University of Minnesota Press, 2006
Jill Havens

Jill Havens

Senior Instructor, Director of Undergraduate Studies ,and Director of British and Postcolonial Studies

View Recent Publications
  • “A Gift, a Mirror, a Memorial: The Psalter-Hours of Mary de Bohun.” The Objects of Medieval Women: Essays in Honor of Carolyn P. Collette. Jenny Adams and Nancy Mason Bradbury, eds. (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press, 2016).
  • “Shading the Grey Area: Determining Heresy in Middle English Texts,” Text and Controversy from Wyclif to Bale. eds. Helen Barr and Anne Hutchison. Medieval Church Studies 4 (Leiden: Brepols, 2005).
  • “A Narrative of Faith: Middle English Devotional Anthologies and Religious Practice,” Journal of the Early Book Society 7 (Summer 2004): 67-84.
  • “As Englishe is comoun langage to oure puple: The Lollards and Their Imagined English Community,” Imagining a Medieval English Community. ed. Kathy Lavezzo (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2003).
  • “A Curious Erasure in Walsingham’s Short Chronicle and the Politics of Heresy,” Fourteenth Century England II. ed. C. Given-Wilson (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2002).
Jason Helms

Jason Helms

Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Digital Expression

View Recent Publications
  • “Play Smarter Not Harder: Developing Your Scholarly Meta.”Scholarly and Research Communication. 10:3, 2019. Online:
  • “Making Rhizcomics: Methodologies for Digital Monographs.” Kairos, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2018. Online:
  • “Making Comics as Scholarship: A Reflection on the Process behind Digital Humanities Quarterly 9.4.” Kairos, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2018. Online: (third author)
  • “Potential Panels: Toward a Theory of Augmented Comics.” All the World’s a Link: Perspectives on Augmented Reality across Art, Industry, and Academia. Editors: Sean Morey and John Tinnell. Parlor Press, 2017.
  • Rhizcomics: Rhetoric, Technology, and New Media Composition. Digital Monograph scheduled to be published by the University of Michigan Press and Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. January 20, 2017.
Charlotte Hogg, Ph.D.

Charlotte Hogg

Professor and Director of Composition

View Recent Publications
  • White Sororities and the Cultural Work of Belonging. Routledge University Press, December 2023.
  • Persuasive Acts:  Women's Rhetorics in the Twenty-first Century. Co-edited with Shari Stenberg.  Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh Press, 2020.
  • “Including Conservative Women’s Rhetorics in an ‘Ethics of Hope and Care.’” Rhetoric Review 34.4 (2015): 391-408.
  • “Missing.” [creative nonfiction] Puerto del Sol 49.1, Fall 2013. 57-70.
  • Reclaiming the Rural: Essays on Literacy, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy. Co-edited with Kim Donehower and Eileen E. Schell. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2012.
Linda Hughes, Ph.D.

Linda Hughes

Addie Levy Professor of Literature

View Recent Publications
  • “The Pre-Poetess History of Michael Field: Troubling Poetess History.” VictorianReview Forum, 2022.
  • “Andrew Lang’s Discursive Cosmopolitanism in Longman’s Magazine.” Studies in Scottish Literature 48.1 (2022), 16-24.
  • Transatlantic Anglophone Literatures, 1776-1920 : An Anthology, co-edited with Sarah R. Robbins, TCU, and Andrew Taylor, Edinburgh University; Associate Editors Heidi Hakimi-Hood and Adam Nemmers. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022.
  • Victorian Women Writers and the Other Germany: Cross-Cultural Freedoms and Female Opportunity . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture series, 2022.
  • “ Vernon Lee: Slow Serialist and Journalist at the Fin de Siècle.” Victorian Literature and Culture 50.1 (Fall 2021), 173-202.
Stephen  Jantuah Boakye

Stephen Jantuah Boakye

Instructor I

View Recent Publications
  • Boakye, S.J. (Manuscript in Preparation to be Submitted to Composition Studies). Transnational Students and Racism: Using Critical Race Theory to Harness Student Rhetorical Agency in the Rhetoric and Composition Class
  • Torto, R.T., Boakye, S.J., Otchere, G., Yeboah, N.A., Owusu-Peprah, J. (2016). An Exploration of the Correlation between First Year Students' Performance in Communicative Skills and their Performance in English in the WASSCE. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies (4) 1.
  • Boakye, S.J. (2014). “‘Our democracy has been tested to the utmost limit’: An exploration of the use of assertives in Ghanaian presidential inaugural addresses”. Language, Discourse and Society 3 (1), 68-87.
Carmen Kynard

Carmen Kynard

Professor and Lillian Radford Chair of Rhetoric and Composition

View Recent Publications
  • Craig, Todd and Carmen Kynard. “Sista Girl Rock: Women of Color and Hip Hop Deejaying as Raced/Gendered Knowledge and Language.” reprinted in Todd Craig's "K for the Way": DJ Rhetoric and Literacy for 21st Century Writing Studies
  • Kynard, Carmen. “'Oh No She Did NOT Bring Her Ass Up in Here with That!' Racial Memory, Radical Reparative Justice, and Black Feminist Pedagogical Futures." College English, vol 85, no 4, 2023, pp. 318-345. (winner of 2023 Richard Ohmann Award)
  • Kynard, Carmen. "Fakers and Takers: Disrespect, Crisis, and Inherited Whiteness in Rhetoric-Composition Studies." Composition Studies, vol 50, no 3, 2022, pp. 131–136.
  • Kynard, Carmen. “Black Digital-Cultural Imaginations: Black Visuality and Aesthetic Refuge in the M4BL Classroom.”,, 24 Mar 2022.
  • Kynard, Carmen. “‘Chile, A Fox Be Just a Fox’: Black Girlhood Narratives as Rhetorical and Curricular Intervention in College Instruction.” Purposeful Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts: Implications for Access, Equity and Achievement. Eds., Darrell Hucks, Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Victoria Showunmi, Suzanne C. Carothers, Chance W. Lewis.  Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing (part of series: Contemporary Perspectives on Access, Equity, and Achievement edited by Chance W. Lewis), 2022. 387-397.
Alex Lemon

Alex Lemon

Professor and Director of TCU's Master of Liberal Arts Program

View Recent Publications
  • Another Last Day
  • Feverland: A Memoir in Shards
  • The Wish Book
  • Happy: A Memoir
  • Fancy Beasts
Carrie Leverenz

Carrie Leverenz


View Recent Publications
  • “Redesigning Writing Outcomes.” WPA: Writing Program Administration. Forthcoming Fall 2016.
  • “They Could Be Our Students: The TCU Writing Major.” Co-authored with Brad Lucas, Charlotte Hogg, Ann George, and Joddy Murray. Writing Majors: Eighteen Program Profiles. Greg Giberson and Lori Ostergaard, eds. Logan: Utah State U P, 2015. 137-49.
  • “Design Thinking and the Wicked Problem of Teaching Writing.” Computers and Composition. 33 (2014): 1-12.
  • “Assessing Multimodal Composing in a Senior Seminar in English.” CCTE Studies 77 (2012): 67-75
  • “‘Growing Smarter Over Time’: An Emergence Model of Administering a New Media Writing Studio.” Computers and Composition. 29.1 (2012): 51-62.
Brad Lucas, Ph.D.

Brad Lucas

Associate Professor

View Recent Publications
  • “Armed Propaganda and the Ethics of Horrorism: Tactical Communiques from the Weather Underground.” Tactical Approaches to Technical Communication, edited by Hilary A. Sarat-St. Peter and Miles Kimball, SUNY Press, 2024. [forthcoming]
  • “The Twilight of the Methodology Course, or How I Learned to Tell the Tale and Leave It.” Mentorship/ Methodology: Reflections, Praxis, and Futures, edited by Leigh Gruwell and Charles Lesh, Utah State University Press, 2024. 
  • “Are We Overlooking (and Underselling) the Writing Capstone Course?” Composition Studies , vol. 48, no. 3, 2021, pp. 76-97 [with Timothy Ballingall]
  • “Insurgent Circulation, Weaponized Media: Waging the Late Sixties War Within.”Rhet Ops: Rhetoric and Information Warfare, edited by Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019, pp. 90-104.
  • “‘The Man’ and the Moon: Black Power, 1968, and Going After Cacciato.” Critical Insights: Tim O’Brien, edited by Robert C. Evans, Critical Insights Series, Salem Press, 2015, pp. 136-53.
Brandon Manning, Ph.D.

Brandon J. Manning

Associate Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Played Out: The Race Man in 21st Century Satire,Rutgers University Press, 2022.
  • “Black Millennial Satire” from “African American Satire in the Twenty-First Century” Post45 (Online Journal) 6/22/21
  • “Netflix's New Dave Chappelle Special '8:46' is No Laughing Matter.” Think: Opinion, Analysis, Essays. 15 June 2020.
  • “Introduction: Black Masculinities and the Matter of Vulnerability” in Black Scholar 49.2, 2019. 1-10. Co-written with Darius Bost and La Marr Bruce.
  • “Protest Pedagogy: The Politics of Centering an Unapologetic Blackness in the Neo-Liberal University” Journal of Prose Studies History, Theory, Criticism 9/9/19.
Stacie McCormick

Stacie McCormick

Associate Professor and Co-director of African American and Africana Studies; CRES Department Chair; and WGST Department Chair

View Recent Publications
  • “Introduction: Toni Morrison’s Artistic Cosmology and Enduring Legacy.” Toni Morrison and Adaptation Special Issue – Co-Edited with Rhaisa Williams. College Literature, 47(4), 2020.
  • “Birthrights and Black Lives: Narrating and Disrupting Perverse Inheritances.” Women Studies Quarterly, 48(1&2), 2020, pp. 201-217.
  • Staging Black Fugitivity. Black Performance and Cultural Criticism. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press. 2019.
  • "'Stories that Never Stop': Fugitivity and Neo-Slave Performance" Modern Drama, 62(4), 2019, 517-538.
  • “August Wilson and the Anti-spectacle of Blackness and Disability in Fences and Two Trains Running.” College Language Association Journal, vol. 61, no. 1-2, 2018, pp. 65-83.
Mona Narain

Mona Narain


View Recent Publications
  • Gender and Space in British Literature, 1660-1820. Editors, Mona Narain and Karen Gevirtz. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate Press, 2014.
  • “History and Myth: Rewinding the Past in Salman Rushdie’s “The Prophet’s Hair” and The Moor’s Last Sigh,” Critical Insights: Salman Rushdie. Ed. Bernard F. Rodgers. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2013. 44-60.
  • “Eighteenth-Century Indians’ Travel Narratives and Cross-Cultural Encounters with the West,” Literature Compass 9:2 (2012): 151-165.
  • “Dean Mahomet’s Travels, Border Crossings and the Narrative of Alterity.” Studies in English Literature (SEL) 49:3 (2009): 693-716.
  • “Colonial Desires: The Fantasy of Empire and Elizabeth Hamilton’s Translations of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah.” Studies in Romanticism (SIR) 45:4 (2006): 585-98.
Matthew Pitt

Matthew Pitt

Associate Professor

View Recent Publications
  • The Be-Everything! Brothers: A Novella. Alternating Current Press. Winner of the Electric Book Award.
  • "Four Corners," Blackbird, Issue 20.2 (2021)
  • "A Shambles," Michigan Quarterly Review, (2020)
  • These Are Our Demands (short fiction collection).
  • “A Damn Sight,” Conjunctions 62: Exile: 281-295 (2014)
Shuv Raj Rana Bhat, Ph.D.

Shuv Raj Rana Bhat


View Recent Publications
  • Rana Bhat, Shuv Raj. “Rhetoric as a Vehicle of Social Order in the Garuda Purana. Alternative Sources for Rhetorical Traditions. Edited by Hui Wu, & Tarez Samra Graban. Southern Illinois University Press. (accepted)
  • Rana Bhat, Shuv Raj. “Service Learning as a Vehicle of Genuine Learning, Reciprocity, and Critical Thinking: An International Intern’s Critical Reflection.” Community Literacy Journal. (provisionally accepted pending revisions)
  • Tinoco, Lizbett, Louis A. Herman, Shuv Raj Rana Bhat and Alison Wells Zepeda. “International Writing Tutors Leveraging Linguistic Differences at a Hispanic-Serving Institution’s Writing Center.” The Peer Review, 4(2), 2020.
  • Rana Bhat, Shuv Raj. “Orientalist Representation of Nepali People, Culture and Landscape: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Kincaid’s Among Flowers: A Walk in the Himalaya.” SCHOLARS: Journal of Arts & Humanities, 1, 2019. p. 24-40.
  • Rana Bhat, Shuv Raj. “Exploring Nontraditional Rhetoric: Voicing the Voiceless through Nativization of Traditional Rhetoric.” Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies, 4(2), 2017. p. 617-638.
Sarah Ruffing Robbins

Sarah Ruffing Robbins

Lorraine Sherley Professor of Literature

View Recent Publications
  • Robbins, Sarah Ruffing. “Elaine Goodale Eastman’s Yellow Star as Counter-Narrative for American Indian History-Telling.” The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 23.1 (2024): 26-48.
  • Robbins, Sarah Ruffing. “Teaching Charles Alexander Eastman’s ‘The North American Indian’ in Dialogue with Elaine Goodale Eastman’s Yellow Star.” The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 23.1 (2024): 107-114.
  • Robbins, Sarah Ruffing. “Locating Phillis Wheatley through Transatlantic, Intertextual Teaching.” Symbiosis: A Journal of Transatlantic Literary & Cultural Relations 26.1 (Spring 2022): 1-24.
  • Robbins, Sarah Ruffing. “Pandemic Pedagogy: Lessons from Nineteenth-Century. Sentimentalism—Historicizing Empathy, Embracing Feeling, and Personalizing Disease in the Covid Era.” ESQ 67.1 (2021): 723-48.
  • Robbins, Sarah Ruffing. “Tom F. Wright’s Transatlantic Rhetoric as an American Studies Teaching Resource.” Journal of American Studies 55.4 (October 2021): 984-89.
Curt Rode

Curt Rode

Senior Instructor and Associate Director of the Center for Digital Expression

View Recent Publications
  • “The Elusive Particular” and “Tub” (poems) The Prose-Poem Project 1.2 (Fall 2010)
  • “A Kiss as a Key” (poem). The Mayo Review (2009)
  • “Not Like This. Not Alone” (poem). The Los Angeles Review (Winter 2009)
Photo of Karen Steele

Karen Steele


View Recent Publications
  • Ireland and the New Journalism, co-edited with Michael de Nie (Palgrave, 2014)
  • Women, Press, and Politics during the Irish Revival (Syracuse, 2007)
  • Maud Gonne’s Irish Nationalist Writings (Irish Academic Press, 2004)
Sharon Aronofsky Weltman, Ph.D.

Sharon Aronofsky Weltman

Professor and Chair

View Recent Publications
  • “Melodrama, Purimspiel, and Jewish Emancipation.” Victorian Literature and Culture 47.2 (2019): 1-41. (2020 Nineteenth Century Studies Association Best Article Prize) 
  • “Victorian London’s Black Playwrights.” Nineteenth Century Contexts1 (2024): 89-97.
  • “The Littleness of Little Dorrit.” Review of English Studies (RES) 74.316 (October 2023), 697–713.
  • Victorians on Broadway: Literature, Adaptation, and the Modern American Musical. University of Virginia Press, 2020 (SCMLA Book Award, 2021; a Top 40 Academic Best Seller in music and art by Library Journal in March 2021; named a “Must Read” summer theater book by Playbill in July 2020)
  • Performing the Victorian: John Ruskin and Identity in Theater, Science, and Education. Ohio State University Press, 2007  
Mat Wenzel, Ph.D.

Mat Wenzel

Writing Instructor

View Recent Publications
  • “Archie got hot: How embracing the queer art of failure allows The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina to open up new ways of representing queerness.” Riverdale: A Land of Contrasts, University of Fraser Valley, forthcoming.
  • “An Uber Ride with Dolly Parton,” Limp Wrist Magazine, forthcoming, Fall 2021(online)
  • “The Green,” Hobart, August 2020 (online)
  • “To the Person I Was Then, Living in Someone Else’s House,“ Lambda Literary Poetry Spotlight, 2019 (online)
  • “After the Angel of Ginsberg’s Whitman,” and “Sticks,” Stay Thirsty Poets, vol. 1, 2019
Yingwen Yu

Yingwen Yu

Instructor I

View Recent Publications
  • 2021 “Boats of Transmotion and Indigenous Presence in Gerald Vizenor’s Treaty Shirts and Chien-hsiang Lin’s Kawut na Cinat’kelang” (Assembling the Big Boat) (R&R)
  • 2005 “你可能會笑出來:傑若維茲諾《廣島舞伎》中的全喜劇論述” [That the People Might Laugh: Comic Holotropes in Gerald Vizenor’s Hiroshima Bugi] 中外文學 [Chung-wai Literary Review] 33.8 (2005): 155-75.