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Undergraduate Course Approval Form (Faculty Submission)
Faculty & Staff
Undergraduate Course Approval Form (Faculty Submission)
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Faculty Name
Course Number
Course Title
Date of WGST Submission
Courses approved by the Women's and Gender Studies Program allow students to study gender, sex, or sexuality across different disciplines. WGST-approved courses must include 50% of their content related to gender, sex, or sexuality.
Request Type
Permanent approval of this course number and title
One-time approval of this course number and title
Instructor-specific approval (whenever I teach this course number and title)
Learning Outcomes
Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of intersectionality with respect to the social and/or historical construction of gender, sex, and sexuality.
Outcome 2: Students will apply works of scholarship (primary or secondary) in the discipline of women, gender, and sexuality studies to their coursework.
Outcome 3: Students will employ methods for research based in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies and/or feminist theory.
Outcome 4: Students will analyze work by women and/or queer people in the field of cultural production.
All proposals must meet Outcome 1 and ONE additional outcome. Please only choose one additional outcome from 2-4 and give an in-depth explanation, as opposed to checking all of the boxes and giving a cursory explanation.
Syllabus, Assignments and Practices as Evidence of Student Action Steps:
Upload your course syllabus below. WGST-approved courses must demonstrate how students will achieve learning outcomes through their syllabi and assignments. Your syllabus must include a complete schedule of readings and two assignment prompts (assignments may be placed in the box below if not embedded in the syllabus). Be sure that your syllabus clearly indicates the content related to gender, sex, and sexuality and the selected learning outcomes. A list of chapter numbers and page numbers often obscures content for non-specialists. Themes and unit titles can help. A submission will not be approved if the syllabus does not clearly indicate to non-specialists through detailed explanation that 50% of course content relates to gender, sex, or sexuality.
Course Syllabus
Upload a copy of the course syllabus.
Assignment Prompts
Please attach copies of any relevant assignments/assignment prompts, if they are not included on your syllabus already. It is impossible for us to assesses a course without seeing the assignments that students will complete to demonstrate that they have met our learning outcomes.
Describe how course meets Outcome 1
Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the social and/or historical construction of gender, sex, or sexuality.
Describe how course meets additional outcome (selected above)
Provide specific examples of the work students will produce that demonstrates their attainment of at least one additional learning outcome through syllabus or supplemental evidence. Examples may include oral presentations, threaded discussion, research questions, advocacy work, interviews or data collection, or creative output, such as the production of a film, new media or digital media, design, choreography, sculpture, or painting.
Minimum content requirement
Please explain clearly how your class meets the 50% threshold of content related to women, gender, and/or sexuality. Please be explicit, especially in the case of texts/readings with which non-specialists may not be familiar (or that do not name women, gender, and/or sexuality in the title). If you use feminist/queer approaches to explore texts that are not explicitly about gender/sexuality, please indicate that here is well.
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Texas Christian University