- “Reconstructing Identity at the End of the World in Gianni Miraglia's Muori, Milano, muori! and Francesca Genti's La febbre” in Composite Identities: Percorsi tra cinema, teatro, letteratura, musica, scienze sociali e politiche, Edizioni Universitarie LED, 2023, pp. 95-105.
- "Homo Oeconomicus and the Limits of Storytelling: Italian Apocalyptic Fiction of the Long Downturn." Italian Culture. Vol. 39, 2021, pp. 1-22.
- "The Ethics of Story-telling: Strategies of Voice in Leonardo Sciascia’s Il consiglio d’Egitto."Italica, Vol. 96, Number 1, Spring 2019, pp. 52-70.
- "Between the Stage and the Street: Art and Artifice in Giordano Bruno’s Candelaio."Explorations in Renaissance Culture, Vol. 45, Number 2, Fall 2019, pp. 165-186.
- "Bodies in Space: Emplacement in Alice Rohrwacher’s Corpo celeste."The Italianist, Vol. 37, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 228-242.
- Chen, G. & Springer, K. (2020). Teachers’ bicultural awareness in Chinese language education. In C. Shei, M. E. M. Zikpi, and D. Chao (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of Chinese language teaching (pp. 627-640). Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Chen, G. (2020). Performed culture in Chinese language education: A culture-based approach for U.S. collegiate context. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
- Chen, G. & Zhang, J. (2019). Challenges of employing VoiceThread to enhance U.S. collegiate Chinese language learners’ oral proficiency. Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology, 2(1), 1-16.
- Chen, G. (2018). Integrating culture into beginner-level Chinese language teaching. Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 2(2), 94-103.
- Chen, G. (2017). Investigating the degree of humorous enjoyment in reading Chinese language errors. Chinese as a Second Language Research, 6(2), 203-224.

Muriel Cormican
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Students; Professor of German
View Recent Publications
- “Germany’s Ghosts: Female Embodiment and Emergent Anger in Petzold’s Barbara (2011) and Phoenix (2014).” Mut zur Wut. Nasty Women and Feminist Anger in the German Speaking World. Eds. Julia K. Gruber and Regina Range. Rochester, NY: Camden House, forthcoming.
- “Waiting to be Human: The Cruel Optimism of Christian Petzold’s Transit (2018).” Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies. 59.2 (forthcoming).
- “Queer Moments and Cruel Optimism in Evelyn Schmidt’s Das Fahrrad (The Bicycle, 1982).” Feminist German Studies. 37.2 (2021): 27-52.
- “Toward a Theory of the Tender Gaze: Affect, Critical Insight, and Empathy in Contemporary German Cinema.” The Tender Gaze: Compassionate Encounters on the German Screen, Page, and Stage. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2021. 17-39.
- “Introduction.” The Tender Gaze: Compassionate Encounters on the German Screen, Page, and Stage. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2021. 1-16. (with Jennifer Marston William).

Marie Schein
Senior Instructor of French; Director, Center for Languages and Cultures
View Recent Publications
- “Le droit à l’éducation: comment l’école de la République l’offre à ses élèves issus de l’immigration” In Heurs et malheurs du système éducatif en France. Edited by Marie-Christine Weidmann Koop. The French Review Book Series, A publication of the American Association of Teachers of French, 2018.
- “Reaching Out To A Refugee Community Through Service-Learning in Third-Year Composition and Introduction to Reading.” in Étudiants Sans Frontières: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in French. Jacqueline Thomas. A publication of the American Association of Teachers of French. 2012.
- “Opening Doors with French in Elementary School Programs for Special Needs Children and Bilingual Education” in Étudiants Sans Frontières: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in French. Jacqueline Thomas. A Publication of the American Association of Teachers of French. 2012.
- Using New Media and Web 2.0 Tools To Elicit Creativity and Writing Proficiency, and showcase Our Students’ Work. American Association of Teachers of French National Bulletin, (Fall 2012).
- Refugee Children in Fort Worth. Profiles of Service : Community Involvement & Service-Learning. Issue # 4. (7). Fall 2011-Spring 2012.
- “Interview with Mack Goldsbury.” Cadence: The Independent Journal of Creative Improvised Music. Vol. 38, No. 1AE (2012). 180-200. Print.
- Glenn, Jerry and Jeffrey Todd. Paul Celan: Die zweite Bibliographie. Monograph published online in December 1998 at the Paul Celan Home Page, maintained at University of Wisconsin, Madison at http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/german/celan until 2007, then at http://asweb.artsci.uc.edu/german/celan/celanbibliography.htm until February 2014. Currently unavailable online.
- “Die Stimme, die nie verklingt. Ernst Robert Curtius’ abgebrochenes und fortwährendes Verhältnis zum George-Kreis.” Wissenschaftler im George-Kreis. Bernhard Böschenstein et al., eds. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2005. 195-208. Print.
- “Stefan George and Two Types of Aestheticism.” A Companion to the Works of Stefan George. Jens Rieckmann, ed. Rochester: Camden House, 2005. 127-143. Print.
- “‘Poetry is Praise.’ Beobachtungen zu Stefan Georges Dichtung.” Castrum Peregrini 52, 258-59 (2003). 45-66. Print.
- “Eating Faulkner Eating Baudelaire: Multiple Rewritings and Cultural Cannibalism,” The Faulkner Journal (25.1) 65-84.
- Rewriting Rome in post-1945 German-language Literature: Examining Image, Norm, Habitus, Tertium comparationis,” ACROSS Languages and Literature (6:1) 79-93.
- “The Deukalion and Pyrrha Myth in Paul Celan and Christoph Ransmayr,” German Life and Letters April (56:2) 142-155.
- Chen, G. & Zhang, J. (2019). “Challenges of employing VoiceThread to enhance U.S. collegiate Chinese language learners’ oral proficiency.” Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology, 2(1), 1-16.