
Advising Tips
All CRJU classes from Section I will be offered each semester. At least one course from each of the groups in Section II will be offered, as will various CRJU electives.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete the major requirements for graduation at their earliest opportunity.
CRJU 40963 (Internship in Criminal Justice) is reserved for seniors. Students should contact the Internship Director (Dr. Ronald Burns) during the semester prior to enrollment in the course.
Students are encouraged, although not required, to take POSC 10133 (American and Texas Government) to fulfill a Social Science requirement and MATH 10043 (Elementary Statistics) to fulfill the Mathematics requirement.
Students must complete an Intent to Graduate form during the first semester of their senior year. This can be done online through or at the AddRan Dean’s office, Suite 2017 of Scharbauer Hall.
Students can declare Criminology & Criminal Justice as their major or minor online through their personal account at
You need 120 hours to graduate, including 42 hours of upper level classes.
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