Monday, October 7, 2024 5:30 pm to 7 pm
Robert Carr Chapel, Courtyard behind the Chapel

Come join us for TCU’s annual blessing of the animals! This interfaith service is open to all living beings, although we ask that all companion animals who attend be leashed or caged. If your companion would not enjoy coming in person, you are welcome to bring a favorite toy or photo to be blessed instead.
Dr. Mike Slattery, founder of TCU’s Rhino Initiative, will be offering the Reflection, entitled “The Day That Changed My Life.”
TCU Organizations will also be tabling. Come by to learn about these animal advocacy and conservation groups:
- FrogPACK - People Advocating for Critter Kindness
- Frogs and Cats Together FACT - TCU Community Trap-Neuter-Return Cats
- TCU Rhino Initiative Club - Department of Environmental Science
Please also consider bringing a donation of unopened pet food (for any species) or cash/check to benefit Don’t Forget to Feed Me Pet Food Bank. They will also be tabling at the Blessing.
Free and open to the public.
Cosponsored by TCU Office of Religious & Spiritual Life and Human-Animal Relationships minor
For more information, please contact Dr. Aftandilian at

Spotlight Analysis research by PRRI Public Fellow, Dr. Amina Zarrugh, looks at Americans’ views toward birthright citizenship over the past several years. While Senator Ted Cruz, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley have all had their eligibility to run for president questioned with appeals to “birtherism,” Zarrugh writes that Republicans are significantly more likely to both emphasize the importance of being born in the United States to being “truly American” and to support measures that limit access to citizenship based on birth. Recent polls confirm that immigration — and its implications for birthright citizenship — will continue to be a top issue for voters ahead of the 2024 election.
PRRI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to conducting high-quality public opinion research. PRRI’s research explores and illuminates America’s changing cultural, religious, and political landscape. As a nonpartisan, independent research organization, PRRI does not take positions on, nor do we advocate for, particular policies. Research supported by our funders reflects PRRI’s commitment to independent inquiry and academic rigor. Research findings and conclusions are never altered to accommodate other interests, including those of funders, other organizations, or government bodies and officials.
Applications now being accepted through January 24th.
Migration and Human Rights Sicily 2024 | June 5-21
Contact: Carol Thompson for more information Earn sociology credit spring 1 hour and summer 2 hoursOCT 9TH: 5:30-7:00 at TCU Chapel Courtyard
Join us for an interfaith service open to all living beings, or bring a favorite toy or photo to be blessed instead. We ask that all companion animals who attend be leashed, in carrier or caged. Donations of unopened pet food (for any species) or cash to benefit Don't Forget to Feed Me Pet Food Bank are welcome. Questions? Contact .
TCU Organizations will also be tabling. Come by to learn about these animal advocacy and conservation groups:
- FrogPACK - People Advocating for Critter Kindness
- Frogs and Cats Together FACT - TCU Community Trap-Neuter-Return Cats
- TCU Rhino Initiative Club - Department of Environmental Science
Sponsored by TCU Human-Animal Relationships Program and Student Affairs - Religious and Spiritual Life.
Open to Public:
Professor Dave Aftandilian speaks on the duty we have to protect animals in our world. Read the full story on TCU 360.