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Department of Economics

Use economic reasoning to help people and organizations make better decisions.

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Department of Economics

3/5/2025 – Department Seminar: Dr. Stepan Gordeev (TCU) "Input-Driven Production Technology Heterogeneity and the Allocation of Inputs"

Wednesday, March 5, 12:00-1:00pm, in SCHAR 4009. Lunch is served during the seminar, if you RSVP to Ms. Jane Logan (817-257-7230; at least 48 hours in advance.

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Recent Publications

Abortion Ballot Measures Affect Election Outcomes

Graham Gardner

The Maternal and Infant Health Consequences of Restricted Access to Abortion in the United States

Graham Gardner

How a Ledger Became a Central Bank: A Monetary History of the Bank of Amsterdam

Stephen Quinn

Notification and Consent: The Differential Effects of Parental Involvement Laws on Teen Abortion

Graham Gardner

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